Tuesday, July 15, 2008

TMI Tuesday #143 - School Days Edition

1. What were you known as in HS (Jock, Princess, Geek)

A head.

2. What were you really?

A very smart head. I was in honors classes. I used to walk in the first day of class and the teachers would tell me I'm in the wrong class. Then the other students would correct the teacher and tell her I belonged there. That was fun.

3. If you could go back and tell your 16 year old self one thing, what would it be?

Besides for investing in whatever company would give me the most profit. I was smart enough to become valedictorian. It's upsetting to know what I could have had (earlier) if I would have applied myself. I did finally go to college at 30. It's taken me longer, but considering I have a 3.6 GPA in college, imagine what it would have been when I was much younger and on top of things.

4. If you could erase one moment from your school days what would it be?

The day I meet Freddy. It freaks me out that if I would have turned down the street the other way, I wouldn't have met him and my life would have been forever changed.

5. Who did you not date (or more) that you wish you did?

The guy I had a crush on since elementary school. We were in the band together since 5th grade. He was a prep and I was a head. I still have a thing for sax players and guys with dark hair and blue eyes. Funny that his brother is the personal financial adviser for my parents. I guess I could find out if he was still available. :)

Bonus (as in optional): If you went to prom, describe your outfit

Prom? What's that? I didn't wear dresses back then!

1 comment:

Ashly Star said...

Love your answers! Lol. I was such a big party girl that people often assumed I must be an idiot. Silly people and their assumptions. =) Happy TMI!